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When selecting a spray foam insulation for your project, one of the first decisions is whether to use open cell or closed cell foam. Both insulate buildings effectively, but have important differences.

Open cell spray foam contains tiny pores that allow for some air movement. The foam has a sponge-like appearance with a density of around 0.5 lb/ft3. Open cell foam expands roughly 100x its liquid volume when applied.

Key attributes of open cell spray foam:

  • Air permeable structure allows some airflow and moisture vapor transmission.
  • Typically achieves an R-value of R-3 to R-4 per inch.
  • Offers noise reduction qualities by absorbing sound.
  • Lower cost option compared to closed cell foam.
  • Recommended for interior wall cavities and attic spaces.

Closed cell spray foam has a denser structure with smaller cells that limit air movement. It has a smooth, plastic-like appearance and density of 1.5-2 lb/ft3. Closed cell foam expands 30-60x its liquid volume when sprayed.

Key attributes of closed cell spray foam:

  • Air impermeable structure acts as an air barrier and vapor retarder.
  • Provides an R-value of R-6 or more per inch.
  • Creates a seamless bond that fills cracks and crevices.
  • Higher cost than open cell foam but with higher insulating value.
  • Often used for exterior walls, unvented attic assemblies, and foundations.

The ideal type of spray foam depends on your climate, project details, and budget. Our team of insulation experts can help you select the right foam to maximize energy efficiency and meet building code requirements. Ready our guide below on the application areas for closed cell and open cell spray foam.

What is Spray Foam Insulation?

Spray foam insulation is a liquid formulation that is sprayed into walls, attics, crawlspaces, and other surfaces using special equipment. It then expands and cures to create a seamless barrier that fills cracks and gaps that exist with other insulation materials.

There are two main types:

  • Closed-cell spray foam has a dense structure that provides an R-value of around R-6 per inch. It also creates a vapor and moisture barrier.
  • Open-cell spray foam has a more permeable structure and lower density. It provides an R-value of around R-3 to R-4 per inch.

Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation

  • Superior air sealing – Foam insulation expands and seals small cracks and gaps that allow air leakage in a way that other insulations cannot match. This improves energy efficiency and reduces utility bills.
  • Higher R-value per inch – Spray foams provide an insulation value of R-6 or more per inch, outperforming fiberglass and cellulose. Less foam needs to be applied to achieve desired R-values.
  • Vapor/moisture resistance – Closed-cell spray foam creates a vapor barrier that prevents condensation within walls that can reduce thermal performance and cause mold growth.
  • Noise reduction – The dense cellular structure of spray foam dampens sound transmission through walls and between floors.
  • Long-lasting – Once applied, spray foam is durable and long-lasting if properly maintained. It resists settlement, compression, and degradation compared to other insulations.

Comparing Spray Foam to Other Insulations

Fiberglass – Cheaper upfront cost but lower R-value per inch. Settles over time creating air gaps. Absorbs moisture and requires vapor barriers.

Cellulose – Made from recycled materials but still provides lower R-value per inch than spray foam. Dense packing required to minimize settling.

Mineral Wool – Requires thick applications to achieve high R-values. Allows more airflow and moisture movement than spray foam.

By providing superior insulation, air sealing, and vapor control in one application, spray foam insulation delivers meaningful energy efficiency benefits over traditional insulation materials. Proper installation by qualified professionals is important to achieve optimal long-term performance.

Why Choose Spray Foam Kit Supply?

When it comes to spray foam insulation, Spray Foam Kit Supply has been a trusted industry leader for over 10 years. Our company is staffed by experienced insulation professionals who thoroughly test and vet our proprietary spray foam formulations to ensure optimal insulation performance and value for your projects.

Rigorous Product Testing

Every Spray Kit Kit Supply kit undergoes rigorous lab testing to guarantee the closed cell and open cell foam achieves advertised R-values, expansion rates, and curing times that meet or exceed industry standards. We also conduct on-site field testing in a wide range of climate conditions.

Trusted by Insulation Experts

Our spray foam insulation products are used and recommended by insulation contractors across the country due to their consistent quality and performance. Leading building science experts also consult with our R&D team to incorporate the latest innovations into our foam chemistry.

Responsive Customer Support

Our customer service team has decades of combined experience in the insulation industry. They can provide technical guidance on selecting the ideal spray foam kit for your specific application and ensure you achieve a professional-quality installation.

Whether you are insulating a commercial building or your own home, Spray Foam Kit Supply has the spray foam expertise and range of foam kit options to suit your project. Contact us today to speak with one of our insulation specialists.

At Spray Foam Kit Supply, we believe fostering trust with customers through transparency is fundamental. We openly share details on key aspects of our business to aid in informed purchase decisions.

Product Origins and Manufacturing

All spray foam kits sold by Spray Foam Kit Supple are manufactured in the USA in facilities adhering to strict quality control and environmental standards. We partner exclusively with leading American spray foam brands to source safe, high-performance insulation products.

Our domestic supply chain enables close collaboration with manufacturers to guarantee the safety, consistency, and effectiveness of every spray foam kit. We tour production facilities regularly to validate sustainability initiatives first-hand. By keeping manufacturing in the USA, we maintain oversight of the entire production lifecycle.

Third-Party Testing and Certifications

Our spray foam kits undergo rigorous evaluation by independent testing facilities to validate insulation value, adhesion properties, fire performance, and other attributes. This unbiased analysis by respected labs like UL and Intertek provides added assurance to customers.

We also ensure our spray foams display respected third-party certifications where applicable. For example, the GreenGuard label demonstrates our products meet stringent indoor air quality criteria through low chemical emissions. Certifications give customers confidence in claims like greenness, safety, and effectiveness.

Full Transparency

Beyond our supply chain and manufacturing, Spray Foam Kit Supply maintains open books on key policies that impact customers:

  • Returns – Unopened kits can be returned within 30 days. Restocking fees may apply.
  • Warranties – All our spray foam carries a 1-year defect warranty from manufacturers.
  • Shipping – Free shipping on orders over $500. Faster shipping available for an added cost.

By transparently addressing product origins, testing, certifications, and business policies upfront, we empower customers to make optimal, informed decisions when selecting spray foam insulation for their project. Please reach out with any additional questions!