Spray Foam vs. Fiberglass, Cellulose and More – What’s the Difference?

Spray Foam vs. Fiberglass, Cellulose and More – What’s the Difference?

Spray Foam vs. Fiberglass, Cellulose and More – What’s the Difference? 150 150 t3rwILL

Here’s a conversational rundown of how spray foam insulation stacks up against other options like fiberglass, cellulose, and rigid foam boards:

Spray Foam vs. Fiberglass, Cellulose and More – What’s the Diff?

If you’re scratching your head about spray foam insulation versus traditional types like fiberglass or cellulose, no worries! I’ve got the insider scoop on how they compare. Let’s dive into the key differences so you can make an informed decision on the best insulation for your home.

Spray Foam Pros

First, let’s talk top benefits of spray foam:

Killer Air Sealing

Spray foam morphs to fill every nook, cranny, and gap as it’s sprayed. That means it blocks drafts like a boss – up to 50 times better than fiberglass! No more chilly spots.

Noise, Be Gone!

With its airtight sealing powers, spray foam also dampens sound transmission through walls – dropping noise levels by up to 4 decibels.

Bring the R-Value

Clocking in at R-6 to R-8 per inch, spray foam insulates 2X as efficiently as fiberglass batts. Less heat loss = lower energy bills!

Other Insulation Options

Now, what about the usual suspects like fiberglass and cellulose?

Fiberglass Batts

Fiberglass is cheap and easy to install in walls, attics, etc. But it settles over time, creating air gaps that reduce insulation value. No bueno.

Blown-In Cellulose

Cellulose made from recycled paper can be blown into attics and walls. It does OK at muffling noise and insulates decently when dense. But extra moisture can make it deteriorate.

Rigid Foam Boards

Rigid foam boards (like XPS or EPS) have high R-values and hold up over time. But they’re not great at filling gaps, so air sealing is meh.

Bottom Line

Overall, spray foam comes out ahead for air sealing, sound dampening, and insulation power. But fiberglass and cellulose are more DIY-friendly for basic projects.

Where to Use What

Here is a table comparing where to use different types of insulation:

Location Recommended Insulation
Attic Blown-in cellulose or spray foam
Exterior walls Spray foam or rigid foam boards
Interior walls Fiberglass batts or blown-in cellulose
Rim joists Spray foam
Crawl spaces Spray foam or rigid foam boards
Basements Spray foam on walls/rim joists, fiberglass batts between floor joists
Cathedral ceilings Spray foam
HVAC ductwork Duct insulation or spray foam

Key takeaways:

  • Spray foam is great for air sealing attics, crawl spaces, rim joists, and cathedral ceilings
  • Fiberglass works well for basic thermal insulation in walls and floor joists
  • Rigid boards provide high R-value insulation for exterior walls
  • Cellulose can be blown into attics, walls, and other tight spaces

Let me know if you need any clarification on picking the right insulation types for different areas of your home!