The Lowdown on High Density Spray Foam Insulation

The Lowdown on High Density Spray Foam Insulation

The Lowdown on High Density Spray Foam Insulation 150 150 t3rwILL

If you’re scratching your head trying to figure out spray foam insulation, I feel you. There are so many types out there! Let me break down exactly what high density spray foam is all about, when it’s the best pick, and how it stacks up against other options. Get ready to become a foam insulation pro.

Let’s Start With the Basics

Before diving into high density spray foam, we need a quick primer on how spray foam insulation works. Essentially, it starts as a liquid that expands and hardens to fill cracks and gaps in walls, attics, etc. Unlike fluffy fiberglass or loose cellulose, foam insulation adheres to surfaces to seal air leaks.

There are two main formulations – low density and high density spray foam. Low density has a soft, spongy feel while high density foam is denser and more rigid. Both insulate well, but high density has some extra perks you’ll see in a sec.

Alright, Tell Me About High Density Foam

Got it, let’s get to the good stuff on high density spray foam!

  • Crazy high R-value, so it resists heat flow big time. We’re talking R-6 to R-8 per inch – that’s way better than fiberglass!
  • The dense foam air seals like a boss to stop drafts and leaks. Sayonara, chilly rooms!
  • It’s super rigid and strong – about 10X stronger than low density foam. It stands up to weather like a champ.

Of course, there are some potential drawbacks too. It’s pricier than other types of insulation. And you’ll need to bring in pros to install it correctly.

Prime Uses for High Density Spray Foam

Now, in what cases should you call in the pros to spray high density foam? Here are some perfect applications:

  • New construction or additions – get off on the right foot with a stellar air barrier.
  • Older homes with crappy insulation – fix cold spots and high energy bills.
  • Attics, crawl spaces, and basements – halt heat loss through the roof and foundation.
  • Anywhere air sealing and durability are crucial – this stuff is made to last.

The superior insulation power and longevity make it ideal for these uses.

How Other Insulation Options Stack Up

Let’s do a quick rundown of how high density spray foam compares to other common types of insulation:

  • Fiberglass batts are cheaper upfront, but they settle over time and leave air gaps. No bueno for sealing.
  • Cellulose made from recycled paper insulates OK, but it won’t stop drafts or stand up to moisture like foam.
  • Low density spray foam insulates and seals, but it lacks the brawn of high density foam.

Overall, high density spray foam comes out on top in terms of insulation power, durability, and air sealing.

When to Look at Plan B Insulation

Now I know I’ve talked up high density spray foam, but it’s not a fit for every single job. Here’s when to look at other options:

Let’s Recap

Phew, we covered a lot! At the end of the day, high density spray foam is a smart choice if you want serious insulating power plus air sealing for a new build, addition, or older drafty home. Your energy bills and comfort level will thank you.

Before pulling the trigger, weigh the benefits against the higher cost and installation factors. And consider alternatives like fiberglass or cellulose if spray foam seems like overkill for your needs. Hopefully you now feel like a foam insulation expert! Let me know if you have any other questions.