To DIY or Not to DIY Spray Foam? Our Take

To DIY or Not to DIY Spray Foam? Our Take

To DIY or Not to DIY Spray Foam? Our Take 150 150 t3rwILL

Going Pro Has Its Perks

Hiring professional spray foam installers has some nice advantages:

  • They have the experience to get the coverage and R-value right. No foam rookie mistakes!
  • Large jobs go quicker with their specialized equipment. More bang for your buck time-wise.
  • Many pros offer warranties on their insulation work. Peace of mind guaranteed.

However, pro install can get very pricey for the average homeowner’s budget.

DIY Foam Kits Make It Doable

This is where DIY spray foam insulation kits come in – they make it totally possible to skip the pros and do it yourself.

Our DIY-friendly kits include everything you need to properly insulate those drafty areas. We’re talking:

  • The spray foam materials and spray gun
  • Detailed video tutorials showing application techniques
  • Safety gear like gloves, goggles, and masks
  • Technical support if any questions pop up

For most homeowners tackling attics, walls, etc. our kits offer an easy, affordable option compared to pro install.

And because our spray foam is lower pressure, there’s less risk of overspray and mistakes compared to pro equipment. The fool-proof process gives you pro-level results!

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, both pro installation and DIY spray foam kits have their advantages. If tackling large-scale insulation jobs across a whole house, pros may be worth the investment.

But for standard insulating projects in the average home, our DIY spray foam kits empower homeowners to save energy and money.

Ready to conquer insulation yourself? Browse our selection of open cell spray foam kits and closed cell kits.