Where is Spray Foam Insulation Primary Used in the Home?

Where is Spray Foam Insulation Primary Used in the Home?

Where is Spray Foam Insulation Primary Used in the Home? 150 150 t3rwILL

If you’re pumped about getting spray foam insulation, you likely want the inside scoop on the best places to use it. Well, you came to the right spot! I’m going to walk through the key areas perfect for spray foam application. Let’s do this.

Sealing Up That Drafty Attic

Let’s start with the space that leaks air like it’s going out of style – the attic. All those nooks around framing and gaps where the roof meets the attic floor spew out conditioned air.

Not cool, attic.

Spray foaming your roof deck seals off those leaks for good. No more losing energy (and money) heating and cooling the great outdoors.

Stop Sound Travel Through Walls

If you have noisy neighbors, barking dogs, or loud kids, spray foam can make a big impact when applied to interior walls.

Its airtight seal dampens sound transmission through walls by up to 4 decibels – that cuts noise in half! Your ears will appreciate the peace and quiet.

Shore Up Drafty Rim Joists

Moisture and critters love to sneak through openings where exterior walls meet your foundation. Not only does this waste energy, it can lead to mold and damage.

Shooting spray foam into rim joists seals off the gaps for good. No more unpleasant drafts or uninvited guests.

Insulate HVAC Ductwork

Leaky ducts force your HVAC system to work overtime. Sealing ducts with spray foam minimizes air loss and improves energy efficiency.

Your energy bills will thank you for insulating those ducts!

Let’s Recap

In summary, be sure to target these common problem spots for spray foam:

  • Attics – because who wants holes in their air barrier
  • Interior walls – to dampen noise transmission
  • Rim joists – to seal out moisture and pests
  • Ductwork – to prevent conditioned air leaks

Aim for at least R-20 insulation throughout your attic space and R-13 in exterior walls. Spray foaming these areas makes a huge impact on energy savings and home comfort!